Capital Gains Tax – Law and Practice (As amended by the Finance Act, 2017)
Capital Gains Tax — Law and Practice comprehensively covers legal and practical aspects governing taxation of short term and long term capital gains as provided under Chapter IV(E) of the Income-tax Act, 1961. The third edition has been thoroughly revised and updated in view of amendments brought in by the Finance Act, 2017.
Salient Features:-
- Incorporates all relevant Notifications, Circulars and Schemes up to March 2017
- Special emphasis on Business Restructuring transactions, Real Estate transactions, Cross Border transactions and transactions in Securities
- Judicial view has been examined and reconciled at appropriate places
- Practical scenarios and illustrations discussed for better understanding
- Apex Court’s decisions/interpretation are appropriately highlighted and considered
- Comprehensive analysis on transactions by non-residents and relevant tax implications
- Includes TDS and Advance Tax provisions
- Drafted like a ‘capital gains reckoner’ for easier reference
- Controversial provisions are reconciled appropriately to reduce/avoid litigation
This book is a must have for tax professionals seeking solutions for technical issues relating to capital gains to advise their clients.
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